Lai cilvēkiem atgādinātu, ka šis blogs nav "miris" vai pārtraucis savu darbību, tad nolēmu ievietot blogā šo video par profesionālu bokseri/pasaules čempionu, kas sāka nodarboties ar CrossFit. (Drīzumā būs arī apkopojums par aizvadīto CrossFit Regionals). Varbūt pēc gadiem trīs četriem, kad Latvijā CrossFit būs nostiprinājies un treneri uzkrājuši pietiekamu pieredzi, kāds no Latvijas vadošajiem bokseriem izdomās savā treniņu procesā ietvert CrossFit. Video ir angļu valodā, taču domāju, ka valoda nevienam nesagādās problēmas, lai uztvertu notiekošo.
Soon after the CrossFit Team Series had ended, a guy from Latvia thought to contact a company, that was mentioned in every Team Series Update Show - Rx Smart Gear. Considering that LatvianCrossFit is a small blog like website and Latvia has no Regionals (not to mention Games) level athletes, what are the chances that someone is likely to respond? Probably not big but one has to try anyway. So the author of this site found an e-mail on the Rx website and wrote a message. Saying that it would be nice to make an interview with a representative of Rx Smart Gear, in order to inform Latvian readers about Rx products, the company, its athletes and maybe even about its future plans. The e-mail was brief and simple. What to expect? The author knew that it was a 50/50 chance of someone responding to a student from Latvia who writes competition reviews and interviews with Latvia athletes - in Latvian. You have to imagine the look of the authors face when he received an e-mail not from a re...
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